tomb of Klof Drudistein map
Here is the map of the Day 2 of the #mapvember challenge Klof Drudistein’s mausoleum 1st moon of Turan, 423 PK; I easily found the […]

Klof Drudistein’s mausoleum

10 min dungeon-01
Here is a dungeon drawn in 10 min. A nice little exercise but not easy.    

10 Min Dungeon-01

The gray wolf cabin map
28 August 1998 The tranquility was quickly disturbed, two Z came prowling in the morning. I had no trouble getting rid of them. I really […]

The cottage of the Gray Wolf

Primula temple, rpg map,floor plan , kosmic dungeon
Slag’s temple I met a small group of interesting frogmen a few days ago. They live in an isolated temple in the midst of a […]

Slag’s temple

Duanor’s outpost In the Grey Mountains is the dwarf outpost Duanor. Dug into the side of Mount Katkrof, it was designed to protect the Spire’s […]

Duanor’s outpost

the grotto of Merutom map
Merutom’s grotto Since I was small, these mysterious creatures always fill my dreams. My dearest wish was to one day ride one of them. I […]

Merutom’s grotto

Dungeon of the Jade amulet map 4
Day 16’s theme of the #Mapvember Challenge is : #Trapped As a lot of boy, I was a fan of Indiana Jones and I’m always […]

The Jade amulet dungeon

10min-Dungeon-02 rpg map
Here is a second small dungeon drawn in 10 min. Real time: 9 min 21. Find all my videos on the youtube channel.    

10 Min Dungeon-02

asteroide base rpg map
Here is a quick test of a Sci-Fi map, a small space base.  

Space base

modular cavern level 17
Let’s go, I’ll try to catch up a bit my late in publication with an extra level for the modular cavern. This drawing dates from […]

Modular Cavern level 17

                    The cursed dungeon This abandoned underground structure is the remains of a long lost civilization. […]

The cursed dungeon

cavern and underground river, rpg, map, jdr, floor plan, dungeon
In order to quietly practice their forbidden worship, fanatics built a temple next to the silver cavern. Its name comes from the color of the […]

temple and underground river