Kayak-Cavern rpg map dungeon 1
  The grotto of Lies Last days; When I saw the woman for the first time, I knew she represented everything I would never be. […]

The grotto of Lies

Caldura's-Tomb map
Caldura’s tomb The young Prince Genall Caldura dug a grave in the Diadoraz Mountains overlooking the valley, in honor of his deceased father. The first […]

Caldura’s tomb

modular cavern level 17
Let’s go, I’ll try to catch up a bit my late in publication with an extra level for the modular cavern. This drawing dates from […]

Modular Cavern level 17

Hi loyal readers! Here is an additional level for the modular Dungeon. You can find all the levels in the Modular Dungeon category. I want to […]

Level for the Modular Dungeon-1

the-goat-shed tavern map
  Stocky Goat tavern Upon returning from a delicate diplomatic mission, I, Prince Haram of Ferdanie, and my knights stopped at a little country inn. […]

Stocky Goat tavern

haunted-manor, rpg map, dungeon, floor plan
The haunted fort Peter Galeway, a famous writer, isolated himself to write the sequel of his latest bestseller. With a group of well-selected journalists, you […]

The haunted fort

  A new map commissioned by BrutalRPG, a free indie Medieval Fantasy Rpg.   The Drunk’n Griff’n Inn A simple wooden sign hangs modestly over […]

The Drunk’n Griff’n Inn

Modular dungeon level 27 map
This old damaged underground structure was recently discovered by a goblin group. The vermins have already begun to loot the places and piled up their […]

Level for the Modular Dungeon-8

Joled's tomb, Rpg map
Joled’s tomb Priest King Joled was undoubtedly the most lenient sovereign of the Brinka’s cult. Joled was a man of medium height, paunchy, with a […]

Joled’s Tomb

Grotto of Marmaacar map 5
Marmaacar’s cave 2nd moon of Forn, 429 PK; I finally managed to find the cave of Marmaacar! The exploration wasn’t easy, but it takes more […]

Marmaacar’s cave

10min-Dungeon-02 rpg map
Here is a second small dungeon drawn in 10 min. Real time: 9 min 21. Find all my videos on the youtube channel.    

10 Min Dungeon-02

Goblin hideout map
Goblin hideout No. 03 The weather was very threatening. My old leg fracture was never wrong. I was desperately looking for shelter; it was too […]

Goblin hideout