
Dungeon of the Jade amulet map 4
Day 16’s theme of the #Mapvember Challenge is : #Trapped As a lot of boy, I was a fan of Indiana Jones and I’m always […]

The Jade amulet dungeon

tomb of Klof Drudistein map
Here is the map of the Day 2 of the #mapvember challenge Klof Drudistein’s mausoleum 1st moon of Turan, 423 PK; I easily found the […]

Klof Drudistein’s mausoleum

Hello all, the modular dungeon project starts well grow. Here is another level, I imagined two mechanisms to unlock the doors with a cross (or […]

Level 5Room for the Modular Dungeon

Gadalta island For as long as he could remember, Buurf the Redhead felt very different from the other dwarves. Abandoned shortly after his birth, Buurf […]

Gadalta Island

Here are some additional maps 5 for my modular dungeon project. An alternative entrance and two more levels.. I will regularly produce different level to […]

Modular Dungeon-2

Xc-K3-Temple map
XC-K3’s temple A long time ago, in a distant secluded valley, a space capsule containing a droid crashed after a dimensional travel failure. The robot, […]

XC-K3’s temple

Hello everyone. Yesterday I thought about the infinite dungeon in Diablo video game. I wanted to draw some 5room levels to create an infinite dungeon […]

Modular Dungeon-1

                    The cursed dungeon This abandoned underground structure is the remains of a long lost civilization. […]

The cursed dungeon