the-goat-shed tavern map
  Stocky Goat tavern Upon returning from a delicate diplomatic mission, I, Prince Haram of Ferdanie, and my knights stopped at a little country inn. […]

Stocky Goat tavern

Dungeon rpg map
Irvilio’s dungeon This idea of extra-planar prison is excellent. The Guardian plays his role perfectly. He keeps the adventurers inside the dungeon, forcing them to […]

Irvilio’s dungeon

iron mine map, rpg, jdr, dnd
The Niesd’s Emeralds Millaec Niesd, an eccentric and authoritarian peasant’ son, made his fortune thanks to the trade of highly nutritious cakes composed mainly of […]

The Niesd’s Emeralds

kosmic dungeon,rpg, map, jdr, floor plan, dungeon
A small dungeon quickly made for illustrated my nickname.

Kosmic Dungeon

Modular Cavern level 03 rpg map
Hi to you fantastic exploration’s fans. For the first map of this week we’re keep going deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth […]

Modular Cavern level 04

Caldura's-Tomb map
Caldura’s tomb The young Prince Genall Caldura dug a grave in the Diadoraz Mountains overlooking the valley, in honor of his deceased father. The first […]

Caldura’s tomb

  It took me several months to transpose this holographic  several hundred years old map to the today’s world. This wasn’t easy, because vast green […]

The Edownian pyramid

Modular Cavern level 06, rpg map
Hi everyone, here is a first dead end level for the modular cavern. A small cave with an access to a heavily damaged underground structure.

Modular Cavern level 06

Sorogour-mountain rpg map dungeon
Sorogour’s mountains A dreadful group of robbers have camped for several months now on the Grey Neck Road in the Sorogour Mountains. The thieves stay […]

Sorogour’s mountains

modular cavern level 10, rpg map
Hi everybody. Already the 10th level for the modular cavern project. This cave entrance is the last of the three cards I drew during the […]

Modular Cavern level 10